Well, apparently I've been tagged. I haven't been tagged since I was a little girl playing tag. But I'm game. I have been tagged by Jeremy at http://knit-a-bit4u.blogspot.com/.
Six Weird Things About Me
Well, to most people it would be my knitting. I knit everywhere. In fact, people have told me when they talk about me they always mention to each other "did she have her knitting with her"?
Not only am I obsessed with knitting, it is my mission to teach knitting to everyone who even shows an inkling of interest. I'm in a musical right now and have taught about 1/4th of the cast to knit. It's great seeing everyone knitting (both men and women) as we are waiting to go on stage. The only problem is that when I'm in a fast costume change and there will be someone there standing to ask me a knitting question. I think I've created monsters.
I cannot stand for a toothpaste tube to be squeezed from the middle. It MUST be squeezed from the bottom.
My favorite breakfast is cold pizza -- especially with Pepperoni. If that is not available then a hot bowl of chili will work just fine..
I love having to wait on trains and in carpool line and at the doctor's office. In fact, on the last two -- sometimes I will get there and wait particularly long. Why? So I can knit!
I borrowed this one from Jeremy because it applies to me too. I have an obsessive personality. This can work to my advantage or not. My current obsession is knitting and building my From the Heart of Texas charity knitting/crochet group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FromtheHeartofTexas/. This is good. I have been obsessed with dieting, good and eating, bad. I need to become obsessed with exercise! Other obsessions are yarn and books.
THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
I am tagging Rachel http://rachelsknittingcorner.blogspot.com/, Ali http://alliknitts.blogspot.com/ and Cyn http://cynscorner.blogspot.com/.
Anyone else who is reading this and has not been tagged.
5 years ago
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